HB Trade FAQ

On the Dashboard Menu, click on ‘Account Balance & Payments’.

This should display the account balance for all invoices.

Our payment methods are:

  • Electronic Funds Transfer
  • Credit Card

This can be done through a web browser: *

Once logged in, click on the user name in the top right-hand corner which will create a drop-down menu.

Select ‘manager users’

Select ‘add trade user’, when populating the fields there will be a ‘select role field’.

The following table illustrates the clearance levels of different users:

* User will not be able to see prices

Can be done through a web browser: *

Once logged in on HBConnect, click on the user name in the top right-hand corner which will create a drop-down menu

From the dropdown menu select ‘Manage My Details’

Select ‘change account logo’

Upload an image, select ‘preview’ then click ‘save changes’

This will now be shown on all quotes created

From the dashboard click on ‘My Online Quotes’ section. This will bring up the records of quotes made on the app. Click on the three dots icon and select ‘Edit’.

After selecting to edit a quote, the quote will appear. Click Next, and then select the arrow in the top right corner which will display a drop-down menu. Select ‘Convert to Order’.

The ‘create order’ Screen will appear that will allow users to select a date for the shipping method and its location. Once the fields are populated click ‘next’. By clicking next, a page will be displayed of the products ordered and the relevant quantities. Users can remove products through the bin icon or add products through the arrow in the top right corner. Click ‘next’ to finalise order.

By clicking next the user will see the total of the order and be able to ‘submit or save the order’.

On Web:

From the dashboard click on ‘Open Quotes’ section. This will bring up the records of quotes made on the app. Select the ‘Edit’ icon the right-hand side in the ‘Actions’ column.

After selecting to edit a quote, the quote will appear. Select the Next button in the bottom right corner which will all the items on the quote. Select ‘Convert to Order’.

The ‘create order’ Screen will appear, this will allow users to select a date for the shipping method and its location. Once the fields are populated click ‘next’. By clicking next, a page will be displayed of the products ordered and the relevant quantities. Users can remove products through the x icon or add products through the Add product button in the top right corner. Click ‘Submit Order’ to finalise order.

For App:

In “My Online Orders”, Click on the three dots as shown (note the order number is W113). This will bring up a pop-up menu.

The pop-up menu will give you two options. Select ‘re-order ‘. Re-order creates a new order whereas edit is used to make a change to existing orders. A new order will be generated with a new order number.

Note that there is now an order with order number W114. – This order has not been submitted yet, and is in a draft state. This is a duplicate that can now be modified or reordered as is through clicking the three dots again and selecting the ‘edit‘ function. The screen will now let you change fields that were originally populated or the product/quantity of the order after clicking through. Press ‘submit order’ for your order to be processed.

For the Web:

In The “Open Orders” Screen, find the Order that you want to reorder or duplicate, click on the Reorder Icon.

Re-order creates a new order whereas edit is used to make a change to existing orders. A new order will be generated with a new order number.

Note that there is now an order with order number W115. – This order has not been submitted yet and is in a draft state. This is a duplicate that can now be modified or reordered as is through clicking the three dots again and selecting the ‘edit‘ function. The screen will now let you change fields that were originally populated or the product/quantity of the order after clicking through. Press ‘submit order’ for your order to be processed.

Click on ‘Product Catalogue and Pricing’ from the home page, which will display a list of products. To add a product to your favourites, click on the star in the top right-hand corner of each product.

To delete products in the order summary or quote summary, simply swipe from right to left on the product you would like to delete, and click on the bin icon.

This function allows users to add miscellaneous and registered products together to create a quote that can be saved, emailed or converted to an order.

Users creating a quote are also able to enter the information of the customer for who this quote is intended. The customer information will be displayed on the PDF in the email sent.

The quote can be emailed to the user with no mention of HBConnect. The PDF emailed will display the user’s details, logo as well as customer information. To do this go onto ‘My Online Quotes’ section from the dashboard. Click the three dots in the top right-hand corner of a quote which will provide options to email, edit or delete the quote.

Before emailing the quote there is an option to display the prices of each individual line item (each product). To enable this feature, click the box ‘display individual line items’ at the top of the page.

Quotes that are created are also able to be easily converted into an order at a later date which is outlined below.

You can contact us at https://www.harrisonbloy.co.nz/hb-trade-feedback/ with your question or feedback.